About Danielle and her Readings

I have been offering intuitive readings by tarot and intuitive dream readings since the age of fifteen. I use my clairaudient, clairsentient and claircognizant abilities. Using tarot cards as a tool to fine tune and guide to the messages in a more intimate manner. I receive messages in different manners by random songs that are provided by a guide or spirit. Most often the message is based on the words of a song or the song itself which resonates with the client specifically. I at times receive messages from loved ones that have passed on to connect with my client. Sometimes the loved one just wants the client to know they are with them and present at the time.

For dream interpretations, I ask that you verbally give your version of your dream with as much order and detail as possible.

Unfortunately this is not always possible, but with my gift, I am able to give the same quality reading off of minimal and scattered data as well as someone verbalizing it to me word for word. I am able to tap in to your full energy and spirit to give you a detailed reading.